Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Today's the Office Christmas Party

...thrilled to death it won't end with me looking like this guy. I have to say though, he's rocking that hat.

Stop by Java's site and hop onward towards more wordless Wednesday's. 


Hilary said...

That is beyond funny! Love it!

Mamarazzi said...


Krebster said...

Thanks Ladies!

Helen Pigott said...

Found you via Wordless Wednesday. I am a new follower and I would love it if you would follow me back.
I have a Secret Santa Giveaway running at the moment so please pop along to my blog and add your name to that posting.
Your photo is very funny too!

Shawn said...

Oh MY Gosh...that is sooooooo funny!!
I am now your newest follower from WW. Have a great week!


Let'sMakeADifference said...

I'm blog hopping and found your blog. I'm now a follower! Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!

Carol E Wyer said...

Hello! I have blog hopped from Java's blog. What a great photo...looked like my son after a hard night at the pub. I am now your latest fan/follower and am off to snoop round your blog (hope that's okay).
Please drop by and visit my blog or follow if you would like.
Warmest wishes.
Carol from

Krebster said...

So excited to have so many new Wordless Wednesday followers! Welcome Rumtruffle, Shawn, MakeaDifference and Carol :). Happy you came to visit. I look forward to checking out your blogs as well.